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Follow us on social media (Facebook or Instagram) for our latest updates on Doggy Daycare, Home Boarding and Dog Grooming
Signed in as:
Crazy Tails Retreat Home Boarding & Day Care Service Agreement
Crazy Tails Retreat (COMPANY)
Cripps House Farm, Springwell Lane, Harefield UB9 6PG
(known as “Crazy Tails Retreat”)
and (The Customer)
(known as “The Customer”)
The Customer wishes to engage Crazy Tails Retreat to fulfil services, and Crazy Tails Retreat agrees to undertake services (hereafter referred to as the “Services”) as set out in the [Service Invoice / Payment Request Message] and in accordance with the policy and practices document (“Terms and Conditions”) and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
1. Commencement Date and Duration
1.1.a. This Agreement shall commence from the date of signing and shall remain in effect until either party terminates the arrangement as per the Termination clause in this Agreement.
1.1.b. A cooling off period shall be in effect should this Service Agreement be signed in the Customer’s home. The cooling off period is not applicable if the Service Agreement is signed on Crazy Tails Retreat premises. The cooling off period is 14 (fourteen) days. The Customer is entitled to cancel this Service Agreement and incur no penalty on the condition that no Services have been booked for specific dates, and / or no deposits have been paid. If Services have been booked for specific dates, any deposits have been paid or the Customer has asked for the Services commence within the 14 (fourteen) day cooling off period, the Customer is deemed to have waived their right to a cooling off period.
2. The Offering of Services
2.1.a. Crazy Tails Retreat shall perform the Services in an attentive, reliable, and caring manner, using all reasonable skill and care, having due regard to the Terms and Conditions and any relevant information as noted on the [Service Invoice / Payment Request Message].
2.1.b. Crazy Tails Retreat shall be responsible for ensuring that it complies with all statutes, regulations, byelaws, standards, code of conduct and any other rules relevant to the provision of Services.
2.1.c. Crazy Tails Retreat shall act in accordance with all reasonable instructions given by the Customer provided such instructions are compatible with the specification of Services provided in the Terms and Conditions section of the Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, where the Customer’s wishes conflict with relevant current UK legislation, the legislation prevails.
3. Customer’s Obligations
3.1.a. The Customer shall read and agree to follow the pertinent information in the Terms and Conditions section of the Agreement, as is applicable for the required Services.
3.1.b. The Customer shall use all reasonable endeavours to provide information to Crazy Tails Retreat necessary for Crazy Tails Retreat to provide Services.
3.1.c. The Customer authorises Crazy Tails Retreat to carry out the Services.
3.1.d. The Customer agrees that the information provided to Crazy Tails Retreat is true to the best of their information, knowledge and belief.
3.1.e. The Customer may issue reasonable instructions to Crazy Tails Retreat in relation to Crazy Tails Retreat’ provision of Services. Any such instructions should be compatible with the specification of Services provided in the Terms and Conditions.
4. Booking and Cancellations
4.1.a. Booking discussions shall not be considered as ‘confirmed’ until Crazy Tails Retreat provides the Customer with a written confirmation that the booking has been accepted. If a deposit is required, the booking shall not be considered as ‘confirmed’ until the deposit [Service Invoice / Payment Request Message] has been paid.
4.1.1.a. Refund Policy - Once a booking is confirmed and the stay has commenced, no refunds will be issued for early collection, cancellation, or removal due to behavioural issues. This policy protects the reserved space, as the business cannot replace bookings for that period once confirmed.
4.1.b. For Home Boarding, Crazy Tails Retreat requires a 50% non-refundable deposit to hold an available space when Services are booked. If a Customer cancels, the deposit payment is retained.
4.1.c. Moving or transferring Home Boarding dates is considered a cancellation and a re-book of services and is subject to the standard Crazy Tails Retreat cancellation policy. The Customer is required to send a new deposit for the new amended dates. This policy item may not come into force if the amendment is 7 (seven) days either side of the originally booked dates.
4.1.d. Partial cancellations, or reducing dates (for instance, paying a deposit for two weeks and then cancelling the second week) is classed as a cancellation and the deposit for any cancelled dates may not be transferred to the remaining dates as payment. The balance for the remaining dates remains outstanding as per the original booking.
4.1.1d. In the event a dog displays aggressive behaviour that endangers other animals or staff, we reserve the right to remove the dog from our care without refund for the remaining stay. This ensures the safety and well-being of all dogs in our care.
4.1.e. Please note that should a dog fail to meet the behaviour requirements during an assessment visit and the parties determine that a Home Boarding booking cannot be honoured, any deposit paid for the holiday booking will be returned to the Customer, as well as any fees paid for future practice visits that have not taken place. Charges for Assessment days or practice visits that have already taken place shall not be refunded.
4.1.f. For Flexible / Ad Hoc Day Care services, payment is required in full. Once booked and confirmed with Crazy Tails Retreat, the service is subject to a 100% cancellation fee. The cancellation fee may be billed immediately or added onto the next booking depending on the frequency of booking.
4.1.g. For ‘Set Day’ Day Care Services (for instance, a space is required every Wednesday), it is assumed that the space is required every week and other customers will be prevented from booking the space. Customers must give at least 24hrs notice to cancel a Set Day booking. If your specific day is missed or your unable to attend the missed or cancelled day is chargeable at the agreed daycare rate.
4.1.h. Customers agree that if the Services are not used for 6 (six) months or more, a new Registration Form must be completed, and the dog may need to undertake a further trial and assessment prior to booking.
5. Fees and Payment
5.1.a. Crazy Tails Retreat will charge the Customer for the Services as quoted on their invoice or the charges message (the “Fees”) and the Customer agrees to pay the Fees, promptly when they fall due.
5.1.b. Approved payment methods are listed on their invoice or charge message.
5.1.c. Payment for a Home Boarding deposit is required on the day of the booking with Crazy Tails Retreat. If payment is not received within 5 days of making the booking, Crazy Tails Retreat shall be entitled to cancel the booking and offer the dates to other customers. Payment for the Home Boarding balance is required 4 weeks in advance of the Service start date.
5.1.d. Payment for ‘Set Day’ Day Care services is required monthly before the sessions begin.
5.1.e. Payment for Ad Hoc Day Care services is required per visit / weekly before the sessions begin.
5.1.f. Day Care and Home Boarding for puppies between 6 & 12 months old shall be charged at an additional £20 per day. This charge is discretionary and is based on the additional needs of the puppy for the period of care.
5.1.g. Day Care and Home Boarding for dogs with special needs may be charged at an additional rate per day, as advised at the time of booking. This charge is discretionary and is based on the additional needs of the dog for the period of care.
5.1.h. Weekend services may be charged at a different rate to weekday services and will be documented in the written Invoice / Messages.
5.1.i. Bookings for Services to be carried out on a public holiday - Our day-care facility is closed on bank holidays. Home boarding services will remain open for clients that have booked a minimum stay of 3 nights. An additional £30 surcharge will be applicable on a bank holiday for the home boarding day rate. Crazy Tails Retreat is closed over the Christmas period, please refer to it’s website for exact dates and times as these vary.
5.1.j. The Customer agrees to pay for any damage to property or possessions arising from the behaviour of their pet whilst on Crazy Tails Retreat premises on presentation of a valid receipt for replacement goods, or a quote for damage repair unless the company can be shown as negligent.
5.1.k. The Customer agrees to reimburse Crazy Tails Retreat for any additional fees connected to providing emergency care, as well as any expenses incurred, for example (but not limited to) unexpected visits, transportation, housing, food or supplies on proof of a valid receipt.
5.1.l. If the Customer fails to make payment on a due date, and the Services have been provided, Crazy Tails Retreat shall, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies, have the right to charge the Customer interest on a weekly basis at the rate of £10 per week.
6. Rate Reviews
6.1.a. Service rates are reviewed annually. Customers shall be given a minimum of 4 weeks ’ notice of planned price changes.
6.1.b. Home Boarding services that have been booked for after the date of any rate change will remain at the prices on the date of booking if the deposit has been paid when requested.
7. Termination
7.1.a. The relationship between Crazy Tails Retreat and the Customer shall remain in place until either party give notice in writing. The relationship shall not be severed until all Services that have been paid or, or partially paid for, have been provided. Should the Customer wish to terminate the relationship without using the Services that have already been paid for, no refund shall be issued. Crazy Tails Retreat reserve the right to terminate services with immediate effect if a pet shows undeclared aggression toward people or other animals and no refund will be given.
8. Standards and Insurance
8.1.a. Crazy Tails Retreat agree to provide a professional and reliable service to their customers. All animals under the care of Crazy Tails Retreat will be given the full care and attention needed to make their experience both fun and safe.
8.1.b. Customers, however, must accept that accidents or illness may occur in such a manner that can neither be foreseen nor prevented by Crazy Tails Retreat. The Customer shall indemnify Crazy Tails Retreat, who shall be held harmless in the following circumstances:
• If a Customer's pet causes harm to a person or another animal, or damages property.
• If a Customer's pet is injured or involved in or causes an accident.
• If a Customer's pet causes a third party to claim for damages by way of injury to a person or an animal, or damage to property. In such cases, the Customer will indemnify Crazy Tails Retreat against such claims and will liaise directly with the claiming third party.
8.1.c. Crazy Tails Retreat is covered by third party liability insurance, but it is highly recommended that Customers have their own pet insurance to cover liability claims from a third party.
9. Veterinary Waiver
9.1.a. If a pet is taken sick or injured during the period of the Service, Crazy Tails Retreat shall notify the Customer as quickly as is practical using all reasonable methods of communication available to both parties, to request guidance. If Crazy Tails Retreat is not able to contact the Customer or the Customer’s Emergency Contact, Crazy Tails Retreat shall take the pet to a Veterinary Practice on behalf of the Customer and make the best possible medical decisions for the pet with the recommendation and support of a Veterinary Professional. Any veterinary bills shall be directly chargeable to the Customer.
9.1.b. Crazy Tails Retreat shall use its best efforts to use the pet’s normal Veterinary Practice wherever possible. The Customer authorises Crazy Tails Retreat to appoint an alternative Veterinary Practice to examine the pet and carry out such treatment or surgery as may be appropriate if the pet’s normal Veterinary Practice is not available, or the geographic location and severity of the injury predicates that the nearest Veterinary Practice must be used.
9.1.c. By signing this Agreement, the Customer gives Crazy Tails Retreat the authority to discuss a pet’s health and treatment with a Veterinary Professional in accordance with Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (and subsequent revisions of the legislation). The Customer also gives Crazy Tails Retreat permission to present and share this signed Agreement with a Veterinary Practice where it is necessary under GDPR to manage a pet’s care.
10. Aggressive or Unsocial Animals
10.1.a. Should any pet become aggressive or dangerous, Crazy Tails Retreat shall, in their sole discretion take whatever action they consider necessary in the best interest of the animal, other animals or people which may be encountered. The potential actions that Crazy Tails Retreat shall take are listed for each Service in the Terms and Conditions section of this Agreement.
11. Force Majeure
11.1.a. Neither party shall be liable in damages or have the right to terminate this Agreement for any delay or default in performing its obligations under this Agreement caused by conditions beyond its control including but not limited to acts of God, war, strikes, fires, floods, governmental restrictions, or power failures.
11.1.b. The Party (the “Affected Party”) prevented from carrying out its obligations shall give notice to the other Party of an Event of Force Majeure upon it being foreseen by, or becoming known to, the Affected Party.
12. Assignment
12.1.a. Crazy Tails Retreat shall be entitled to perform any of the obligations undertaken by it through any other member of its group or through suitably qualified and skilled sub-contractors. Any act or omission of such other member or sub-contractor shall, for the purposes of this Agreement, be deemed to be an act or omission of Crazy Tails Retreat.
13. Data Protection and Privacy
13.1.a. Personal information shared with Crazy Tails Retreat for the purpose of using Services will not be sold or shared with third parties, in accordance with GDPR 2018 (or subsequent revision). Information is held on paper and electronically for periods required by The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 and HMRC.
13.1.b. In accordance with GDPR, the Customer gives Crazy Tails Retreat permission to share information from this signed Agreement with Veterinary Practices as is necessary to provide care and gives the Veterinary Practice permission to discuss pet care with Crazy Tails Retreat where the Customer is not able to be contacted.
13.1.c. Customers are advised that Crazy Tails Retreat may take and use photographs of pets for marketing purposes; however, no specifics pertaining to the location of the pet, or the owner will be divulged publicly. Customers who do not wish for photos of their pet to be used for marketing purposes must advise the business via email.
14. Entire Agreement
14.1.a. This Agreement, along with the Registration Form, the Terms and Conditions, and each [Service Invoice / Payment Request Message] constitute the sole and entire agreement between the Parties, and supersedes all prior agreements, representations and understandings of the Parties written or verbal. Any alteration of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both Parties.
15. Notices
15.1.a. Any notice required to be served under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be served by hand, post or electronic mail.
16. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
16.1.a. This Agreement, its formation and any contractual disputes or claims shall be governed by and in accordance with English Law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
16.1.b. Any Forbearance, tolerance, or delay in either party enforcing its contractual or legal rights shall not prejudice, restrict or prevent the right of the injured party to enforce its rights at a later date or later breach.
Terms and Conditions
1. Registration
1.1.a. It is the Customer’s responsibility to provide clear and accurate information to Crazy Tails Retreat on the Registration Form and any other documents that are provided to the Customer for completion. Changes or updates to the Registration Form must be put in writing to Crazy Tails Retreat. Email updates are acceptable. Crazy Tails Retreat shall be held harmless from claims where outdated written information is responsible for the incident, unless Crazy Tails Retreat can be shown to be negligent.
1.1.b. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Customer to inform Crazy Tails Retreat of their dog’s ongoing illnesses and medical conditions or significant illnesses and conditions that they have suffered in the past. Crazy Tails Retreat shall not be held liable for decisions that are made, or their subsequent outcomes based on an omission of information of their dog’s registration form. In the event of a dog having a contagious illness or disease which has not been disclosed, the Customer may be liable for the costs of treatment given to other dogs which become infected.
1.1.c. By registering with Crazy Tails Retreat and signing this Service Agreement, the Customer consents to their dog attending Day Care or Home Boarding alongside dogs from other families and authorises Crazy Tails Retreat to allow their dog to mix with resident dogs and other visiting dogs in the main communal areas of the property and the garden. The Customer also agrees to their dog being walked in a group during the Services.
2. Vaccinations and Parasite Control
2.1.a. Dogs that attend Home Boarding, Day Care or participate in group walks must be vaccinated in accordance with veterinary recommendation, including the vaccination for Leptospirosis. Kennel Cough vaccination is preferred but is not mandatory. Customers must provide Crazy Tails Retreat with evidence of the vaccination schedule by way of Vaccination Card or a letter / email from their Veterinary Practice.
2.1.b. Where titre testing is available and recommended by a Veterinary Professional as an alternative to vaccination, titre test results must be clearly summarised and contain a validation period of immunity (start and end date). Without a period of validity, the titre test results may not be used as an alternative to vaccination.
2.1.c. Crazy Tails Retreat reserve the right to refuse to accept a dog on arrival if a dog fails to receive the annual vaccinations and does not have a letter from a Veterinary Professional specifying their exemption from core vaccination on medical grounds.
2.1.d. Dogs that attend Home Boarding, Day Care or participate in group walks must be treated for worms and fleas. If fleas are found to be present, Crazy Tails Retreat shall contact the Customer immediately to arrange steps for remediation. Dogs in Day Care must be collected by the Customer or the Customer’s Emergency Contact within in the time frame outlined by Crazy Tails Retreat and may not use Services until the infestation has been removed. Dogs in Home Boarding must be treated immediately and in accordance with veterinary guidance. If the Customer is not available or will not agree to next steps, the Emergency Contact on the Customer registration form shall be contacted and asked to remove the dog from the premises. Customers accept that they will be responsible for the expense of removing fleas from the premises and the dog walking vehicle.
3. Infectious Diseases and Illness on Arrival
3.1.a. The Customer or the Customer’s Emergency Contact must arrange for the collection of a dog if the dog is determined to have an infectious disease within 4 (four) hours of veterinary confirmation. The Customer agrees to place the dog into the care of a Veterinary Professional immediately should they have isolation facilities available. Emergency collections of a dog with a contagious illness are a requirement of the Home Boarding licence and are not considered as a business cancellation of Services.
3.1.b. Dogs that arrive for Home Boarding or Day Care with evidence of a viral or bacterial illness must provide a written confirmation from a Veterinary Practice that the illness is no longer (or not) contagious. Evidence of a viral or bacterial illness may include (but shall not be restricted to) a runny nose, sneezing, coughing and an upset stomach.
4. Abandoned Dogs
4.1.a. The Customer agrees that if their dog is not collected from Home Boarding or Day Care on the due day, additional fees (maximum of £150 per day) will apply and shall be paid on collection. If Crazy Tails Retreat are unable to contact the Customer or the Customer's Emergency Contact for 7 (seven) days, it is assumed that the dog has been abandoned and arrangements for re-homing will be made.
4.1.b. If the Customer’s Emergency Contact is contactable but is unable or unwilling to collect the dog and pay the additional fees, Crazy Tails Retreat will arrange for the re-homing of the dog.
5. Death or Loss of a Beloved Pet
5.1.a. Crazy Tails Retreat agree to provide a professional and reliable service to their customers. All animals under the care of Crazy Tails Retreat will be given the full care and attention needed to make their experience both fun and safe. Customers, however, must accept that occasionally accidents or illness may occur in such a manner that can neither be foreseen nor prevented by Crazy Tails Retreat. The Customer shall indemnify Crazy Tails Retreat, who shall be held harmless in the event of the loss or death of a pet unless Crazy Tails Retreat can be shown to be negligent.
5.1.b. Crazy Tails Retreat shall use all reasonably practicable measures to prevent the loss of death of a pet in their care. Claims against Crazy Tails Retreat, where negligence is proven, shall be settled within the boundaries of the company’s business insurance policy.
5.1.c. In the event of the temporary or permanent loss of a pet, Crazy Tails Retreat shall contact the customer immediately to apprise of the situation and agree next steps. If a Customer is not contactable, the Customers nominated Emergency Contact shall be used. Customers may request a Final Wishes and Consent Form to complete if their dog is elderly or infirm at the time of booking Home Boarding.
6. Customer Complaints
6.1.a. Customer complaints must be received in writing within 5 (five) calendar days of the end of the service which has triggered the complaint. Crazy Tails Retreat shall respond to the Customer within 5 (five) calendar days of receipt of the complaint. Crazy Tails Retreat shall use all reasonably practical measures in order to resolve the issue, and discussions about the complaint are made in good faith. The business reserves the right to decline or close any complaints that have not been pursued or resolved within a timely manner.
7. Dog Day Care
7.1. Hours and Additional Charges
7.1.a. Day Care runs from 7am to 7pm, Monday to Sunday. Drop off and collection times must be arranged with the business prior to arrival.
7.1.b. Weekend Day Care is available for an additional charge and runs from 7am to 7pm.
7.1.c. Customers collecting their dog after the close of business are required to pay an additional £5 fee for every 30 minutes the dog is in our care with a maximum charge of £60 per day. This fee will be due on collection and charged for as a late collection fee.
7.1.d. For safety and security, Crazy Tails Retreat will only complete one dog handover at a time, meaning that drop of and collection times must be agreed by prior arrangement.
7.2. Unneutered Dogs
7.2.a. The Customer understands and agrees that females in season are not always suitable for Day Care, and that Crazy Tails Retreat shall not be held responsible for the unsolicited behaviour of un-neutered or un-spayed dogs, or for the dogs around them. Issues regarding unwanted pregnancy are the responsibility of the Customer and the affected third party. If an un-neutered female comes into season whilst in the care of Crazy Tails Retreat, the Customer or the Customer's Emergency Contact shall be asked to collect the dog within 2 hours of notification. No refund shall be issued for remaining booked days of the season period.
7.2.b. Unneutered males and unneutered females (whether in season or not) will not be accepted within the same period for Day Care, and in the event of a conflict the chosen party shall be determined by the pre-assessed behaviour of both visiting dogs around the visiting dogs already booked. The dog presenting the lowest risk to the already visiting dogs shall be chosen.
7.3. Unsuitable Behaviour and Aggression
7.3.a. Dogs that require permanent isolation from other dogs within the premises are not acceptable for Day Care at Crazy Tails Retreat. Dogs that require temporary isolation from other dogs (for instance, recovering from a medical procedure) are accepted and shall be separated for their booked period. Where it is not possible to keep a dog fully separate, Crazy Tails Retreat reserve the right to cancel any bookings during the temporary period that isolation is required and no refund will be given.
7.3.b. Dogs that display unacceptable behaviours are not suited to Day Care. Unacceptable behaviour may be described as (but is not restricted to) a dog who barks continually; displays signs of extreme stress if left unattended (even if the Licence Holder is elsewhere within the premises); bites someone; is aggressive towards, or bites another dog, or persistently marks in the house.
7.3.c. Should the dog exhibit any of the above behaviours, the Customer will be contacted to arrange for the dog to be removed from the Crazy Tails Retreat service. If the Customer cannot be contacted, the Emergency Contact listed will be asked to make the arrangements to collect the dog and no refund will be given.
7.3.d. The Customer agrees to inform Crazy Tails Retreat immediately should they see any signs of aggression in their pet. If a dog does not behave as described on the signed Registration Form, the Customer must arrange (with help from Crazy Tails Retreat) to move the dog to another location for the remainder of the Day Care period.
8. Dog Home Boarding
8.1. Hours and Additional Charges
8.1.a. Home Boarding runs from 7pm and is charged per night.
8.1.b. Customers may drop their dog at any time between 7am and 12pm, or as pre-agreed with the business. Collections may be arranged before 10am or anytime between 10am and 7pm, as pre-agreed with the business. If collection is after 10am a full daycare fee will apply and is chargeable on collection.
8.1.c. For safety and security, Crazy Tails Retreat will only complete one dog handover at a time, meaning that drop of and collection times must be agreed by prior arrangement.
8.2. Provisions
8.2.a. Dogs must be provided with sufficient food, treats and bedding to ensure their comfort and welfare during their stay. If a dog has not been provided with sufficient food to maintain health for the period of the stay, Crazy Tails Retreat will purchase additional food (as described in the Registration Form), and Customers will reimburse Crazy Tails Retreat on collection of the dog.
8.2.b. Where Customers have forgotten to pack an item of equipment, Crazy Tails Retreat will endeavour to loan the dog a piece of equipment from stock. If an item of equipment is not available, Crazy Tails Retreat will contact the Customer to allow them to decide if the item should be purchased. Where items have been purchased with the Customer’s consent, Customers will reimburse Crazy Tails Retreat for any charges on collection of the dog.
8.3. Dogs Left Alone and Overnight
8.3.a. Customers accept and agree that in rare and emergency circumstances, their dog may be left securely on Crazy Tails Retreat premises during the day, not being left alone for a period of more than 3 hours. Dogs from different families shall be separated if they are left alone. A trusted relative or pet sitter will arrive to oversee the dogs as quickly as is reasonably practical based on the emergency circumstances.
8.3.b. Where the dog is crate trained and habituated to the use of a crate, the Customer consents to Crazy Tails Retreat using a crate to safely secure their dog during visits to the premises in accordance with local guidelines.
8.3.c. If Customers change the dog’s sleeping arrangements in their own home, and this action subsequently impacts the dog’s ability to be suitably and safely separated at Crazy Tails Retreat, Crazy Tails Retreat reserve the right to cancel future Home Boarding bookings which will be subject to the Cancellation Policy.
8.4. Unneutered Dogs
8.4.a. The Customer understands and agrees that females in season are not suitable for Home Boarding (unless agreed prior), and that Crazy Tails Retreat shall not be held responsible for the unsolicited behaviour of un-neutered or un-spayed dogs, or for the dogs around them. Issues regarding unwanted pregnancy are the responsibility of the Customer and the affected third party.
8.4.b. If an un-neutered female comes into season whilst in the care of Crazy Tails Retreat, the Customer or the Customer's Emergency Contact shall be asked to collect the dog within 5 (five) hours of notification. It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that a female in season is not booked in for Home Boarding, and therefore no refund shall be issued for remaining days of the Boarding period. If the dog is not collected within the time frame specified, the relocation process described in the section ‘Unsuitable Behaviour and Aggression’ shall be followed.
8.5. Unsuitable Behaviour and Aggression
8.5.a. Dogs that require permanent isolation from other dogs within the premises are not acceptable for Boarding or Dayacre at Crazy Tails Retreat.
8.5.b. Dogs that require temporary isolation from other dogs (for instance, recovering from a medical procedure) are accepted where it is possible and practical, and shall be separated for their booked period. Where it is not possible to keep a dog fully separate, Crazy Tails Retreat reserve the right to cancel any bookings during the temporary period that isolation is required.
8.5.c. Dogs that display unacceptable behaviours are not suited to Home Boarding or Daycare. Unacceptable behaviour may be described as (but is not restricted to) a dog who barks continually; displays signs of extreme stress if left unattended (even if the Licence Holder is elsewhere within the premises); bites someone; is aggressive towards, or bites another dog, or persistently marks in the house.
8.5.d. Should a dog exhibit any of the above behaviours, the Customer will be contacted to arrange for the dog to be removed from the Crazy Tails Retreat service within a period set by Crazy Tails Retreat. If the Customer cannot be contacted, the Emergency Contact listed will be asked to make the arrangements to collect the dog. There will be no refund of boarding fees paid to Crazy Tails Retreat.
8.5.e. Should the Emergency Contact refuse to collect the Customer’s dog, Crazy Tails Retreat will endeavour to put the dog(s) into kennels for the remainder of the period. If transportation costs are incurred for moving the dog to kennels, these will be paid by the Customer on their return. There will be no refund of boarding fees paid to Crazy Tails Retreat, and charges incurred at the kennels will be payable by the Customer on collection of the dog. Dogs boarding together from the same family will not be separated without the Customer's consent, and where the Customer is not contactable, all dogs will be moved to the alternative facility.
8.5.f. If the Customer and Crazy Tails Retreat can reach no mutual agreement for the care of the aggressive dog for the remainder of the period, Crazy Tails Retreat will contact the local Licensing Authority or Dog Warden and will follow the advice or direction given by the Licensing Authority or the Dog Warden. The Customer agrees to defer to the Licensing Authority or Dog Warden’s direction in such circumstances.
8.5.g. The Customer agrees to inform Crazy Tails Retreat immediately should they see any signs of aggression in their pet. If a Customer's dog does not behave as described on the signed Registration Form, the Customer must arrange (with help from Crazy Tails Retreat) to move the dog to another location for the remainder of the boarding period.
9. Dog Walking Within The Service
9.1. Lead Rules and Group Walking
9.1.a. The Customer agrees that dogs will routinely be walked on a lead, and only walked off-lead if written and signed consent is given by the Customer.
9.1.b. The Customer agrees, understands and accepts that dogs may be walked in groups, but will always be accompanied by sufficient Dog Walkers as to remain in control of all dogs present. Crazy Tails Retreat commit that dogs identified as nervous or 'not dog friendly' will not be walked in groups.
9.1.c. Customers must provide a collar and lead (plus harness if used) that correctly fits the dog and is fit for purpose and is in a good state of repair. The dog must have a Customer ID tag attached to either their collar or harness to be able to join walks.
9.1.d. Crazy Tails Retreat will not walk dogs on extendible / retractable leads and will use their own equipment if this is all that is provided.
9.2. Weather
9.2.a. Dog Walkers will apply personal judgment and cut short a walk, if necessary, because of extreme weather conditions (i.e.heat, thunderstorms) for the safety of both the dogs and the walker. Customers will be advised if walks cannot take place or need to be cut short due to unsuitable weather. Alternative enrichment shall be offered until standard services can be resumed.
In signing this Agreement, both parties acknowledge they are legally authorised and entitled to do so, they fully understand and accept the terms (having taken legal advice if they consider it appropriate or necessary) and agree to be bound by the terms.
Supplementary Terms and Conditions for Dogs Under 18 Months
These terms and conditions apply in addition to our general terms and conditions for all puppies under the age of 18 months attending Crazy Tails Retreat daycare or home boarding services. These specific terms address the unique needs and behaviors of puppies in our care.
Crazy Tails Dog Grooming, Daycare & Home Boarding
Our Doggy Daycare and Home Boarding for dogs covers the following areas: Croxley Green, Chalfont St Giles, Chalfont St Peter, Doggy Daycare in Chorleywood, Amersham, Gerrards Cross, Beaconsfield, Denham, Little Chalfont, Uxbridge, Watford, Doggy Daycare in Rickmansworth, Northwood, Pinner, Harefield, Ruslip, Hillingdon, Denham, Bushey